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If this sounds hard, well yes it is, unfortunately. It would be a lot easier if academic papers weren't so hard-to-read and hidden behind paywalls. Hopefully this wiki can make complex ideas more accessible. If you're a writer, see [[Wiki for a better world:Notation]] for how to cover advanced topics without ugly walls of text.
If this sounds hard, well yes it is, unfortunately. It would be a lot easier if academic papers weren't so hard-to-read and hidden behind paywalls. Hopefully this wiki can make complex ideas more accessible. If you're a writer, see [[Wiki for a better world:Notation]] for how to cover advanced topics without ugly walls of text.
We welcome ideas that are physically viable, even when they aren't politically{{x|meaning: we don't give a crap about preserving the status quo if there are better ways the world could work. However, this wiki is ''not'' a place for unethical, harmful, or fascist{{x|definition will be added soon}}ideas. To keep it simple: Don't be an asshole.}}viable.  Radical change becomes easier the more people see that an idea could work.