
From the change wiki
Revision as of 20:14, 21 May 2023 by Elie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Overview of stuff I've been wanting to say for years now: <pre class="levels"> climate change is about energy most savings come from buying less systemic changes electronics fighting against planned obsolescence fighting against code bloat promoting right to repair personal frugalism clothes replace less often dont wear em down in the first place pick some bad clothes dedicated for exercise sitting ele...")
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Overview of stuff I've been wanting to say for years now:

climate change is about energy
 most savings come from
  buying less
   systemic changes
     fighting against planned obsolescence
     fighting against code bloat
     promoting right to repair
   personal frugalism
     replace less often
      dont wear em down in the first place
       pick some bad clothes dedicated for
      dont replace it if it still works
      dont break it
       get a protective case
        extra buy is far outweighed by the chance of having to replace phone sooner otherwise
      make old computers great again
       howto guide
     best option: dont replace ur furniture if its still useable
     second best option: replace but donate your old
      some charities are already overrun with furniture
      inefficient transportation
     worst option: replace and throw out the old
     on the flipside, to correct for other people who didnt make the best choice:
      buy second hand
      check curbside for good stuff
     when does getting a new "energy efficient" appliance actually save more energy than it took to manufacture it? {{rn}}
  driving less
    make existing suburbs walkable without having to rebuild too much
     examples / howto
    avoid 'revitalization' solutions that require demolishing otherwise useable housing
   public transit
    in which cases it it really green
     beware of systems where theres mostly empty buses and trains
  heating and cooling - less? how?
   systemic changes
    need to assess solutions {{rn}}
 make energy green
  solutions and their limits {{rn}}
   energy sources
    cheap ass rooftop solar panels - probably
    some wind power - maybe
    nuclear breeder reactors - small chance
    nuclear fusion - smaller chance
    hydro and geothermal electricity - status quo
   energy storage
     cars & buses
      sodium-ion - probably
      lithium iron phosphate - maybe
     semi trucks
      unknown {{rn}}
      unknown {{rn}}
     cargo ships
      unknown {{rn}}
      use grid storage
     sodium-ion - probably
     iron redox flow - probably
     hydrogen - maybe a bit, for wind power
habitat loss is about land
 eat plant-based
  how, why, faq, nutrition examples
 stop food waste
  causes, effects, solutions
   intro to dumpster diving
ppl need more housing units
 show why
  census analysis by country
   so far, i've analyzed canada
    far more single people than single-person units
     how this affects families' need for housing as well
     which other countries have this same issue? {{rn}}
  some houses into duplexes
  some multibedroom units into studios
  reason why
 build more?
  need to assess env footprint {{rn}}

Note: The "{{rn}}" means "research needed".