

  • If a food doesn't go bad, it was never good food to begin with.
  • "Long-shelf-life foods have no good reason to exist, and were only invented because capitalism."


  • You can make any food non-perishable just by dehydrating it. The shelf life could easily be few years(...)( The food lasts until its natural oils start to go rancid from oxidation; antioxidants tend to lengthen the shelf life a bit; saturated fats tend to last longer than unsaturated fats. ). Just because a food is non-perishable, doesn't mean it's a refined food(...)( B-vitamins and vitamin C are the only essential nutrients that might be destroyed by dehydration. All other vitamins & minerals remain in the food. B and C are also very easy to supplement, in the rare case that a person would have to subsist on only dry foods ).
  • Food preservation is essential to food security and preventing food waste.