Wiki for a better world:Calculator/Feature requests

Non-logged-in users can also make feature requests in Talk:Calculator.

Inline calculations (embedding on wikipages)

Green sections on pages need some kinda notice like "click a part of the equation for more details". I dont wanna manually say it every time.

The 'from previous calculation' box could really benefit from having the numerical value in it (preferrably in the 'units wanted' of the previous calculation. Is this easy to implement?

Better graceful failure when javascript isn't available. The green section should say something about needing a browser that has javascript. Instead, it currently just shows a half-baked calculation, in a way that would confuse most readers.

Common calculator

Need a "copy wikitext" button beside each datapoint

Maybe the user interface should have a right arrow (forward) instead of "Link", and a left arrow (back) instead of "Do another calculation".

Maybe have some easy way to pull datapoints from wiki pages

  • box to paste wikitext into?
  • or some automatic thing when you publish a page? in which case, how would it handle multiple datapoints of the same name? too complicated; do the first option instead