Wiki for a better world:Citations

From the change wiki

This is a page about citing sources. This wiki doesn't conform perfectly to academic standards, but we do our best.


Not all citations are gathered in the same place. There are several types:

  • popups
  • footnotes
  • datapoints used in the Calculator


On this wiki, a lot of citations might be nonstandard, improper, or even lacking completely. There are a few reasons for this:


  • I'm currently trying to build content as quickly as possible, and have to cover a lot of topics.
  • Workflow: I tend to read dozens of research papers or articles, go for a walks, reflect on the knowledge, read more etc., until I have a clear understanding. By the time I start writing, I can't always track which piece of knowledge came from which source.
  • If I spend too much time formalizing citations, I lose perspective and forget some of the main points that need to be made(...)( along with subpoints and finer details too - it's too easy to derail my train of thought and forget to cover the subtopics I was planning to cover ). There seems to be an inherent tradeoff here: Other wikis and academic journals are great at gathering information cited properly, but terrible at informing clear actions or "getting to the point". I have to sacrifice some pedantry(...)( and at least some of it can still fit into expandables like this ) for the sake of easy reading. And I can always go back and fix the citations later when there's more time.

See also