How much energy storage would it take

From the change wiki

How much energy storage would be needed, per capita, to sustain status-quo "developed country"-type material conditions without fossil fuels?


Battery EVs

65.2 kWh
Energy capacity of the average electric vehicle battery
Useable battery capacity of full electric vehicles
275.9 million
Number of registered vehicles in the USA
Top Numbers Driving America's Gasoline Demand
Number of people living in the USA
United States Population (Live) - Worldometer › world-population › us-population
Last updated April 7 2022

Simple estimate: 54 kWh [Show calculation] ev.battery * usa.registered_vehicles / usa.population kWh (calculation loading)

Hydrogen combustion

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Energy sources, by scenario

3090.5158 watts per capita
Power needed per person (averaged over time; not peak power)
From page: How much electricity would it take. Includes a lot more than just home electricity. Includes the energy used in all industries & transportation.
163 watt hours per kilogram
Specific energy of a lithium-ion battery
The article provides a range of values: 100 to 265 Wh/kg
We take the geometric average: 163 Wh/kg
The article also provides a range: 50 to 260 Wh/kg
I assume that article is a bit older since the range is lower.
120 MJ/kg
"By contrast, hydrogen has an energy density of approximately 120 MJ/kg , almost three times more than diesel or gasoline. In electrical terms, the energy density of hydrogen is equal to 33.6 kWh of usable energy per kg, versus diesel which only holds about 12–14 kWh per kg."
Oct 2, 2019
Run on Less with Hydrogen Fuel Cells - RMI › Blog

All solar

Quick estimate

  • 74 kWh short-term storage - equivalent to 455 kg of lithium-ion batteries
  • 6773 kWh long-term storage - equivalent to 203 kg of hydrogen gas (but its container might be much heavier - several tons perhaps)

Solar tends to follow a day/night cycle, but sometimes there are cloudy days where the output is less. Therefore, assume that storing 24 hours of average energy demand is just about enough: 24 hours energy_demand kWh short_term (calculation loading) short_term kg li_ion.energy_by_mass (calculation loading)

In the winter, average solar output tends to be about half what it is in the summer. Of course this depends on what part of the world we're dealing with, but for the sake of a quick estimate, we're just looking at a general case. So assume that storing 6 months worth of half the average energy demand would be enough: 6 months 50% energy_demand kWh long_term (calculation loading) long_term kg hydrogen_gas.energy_by_mass (calculation loading)

The idea would be to produce hydrogen gas (or ammonia or some other fuel) in the summer using excess electricity, then burn it in the winter or whenever it is needed. This should be reasonable considering that energy_demand includes some things that don't necessarily have to be electric (i.e. heating; cooking; industrial uses of heat; hydrogen or ammonia combustion vehicles).

Estimates from real data

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Mix of wind and solar

Estimates from real data

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All nuclear

If nuclear plants are properly designed to adjust to the fluctuating electricity demand, then No energy storage would be needed, except in electric vehicles.

Other / more detailed analyses

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See also