
The world's food-related problems include:

  • Hunger & malnutrition
    • Nearly 900 million people lack calories or protein (1 in 9 people worldwide).
    • Even more people lack vitamins & minerals, even if they get enough calories & protein.
  • Environmental impact
  • Animal cruelty
    • Particularly bad in factory farms, which are the source of most animal products.

These problems are magnified by inefficiency:



Things that can solve all 4 problems, with the biggest impact:

  • Making food more plant-based (...)( not necessarily 100% vegan, but reducing animal consumption by more than half ).
  • Improving crop yields, especially in poorer countries.
  • Reducing food waste.
  • Not burning edible foodstuffs as biofuel.

Things that also help:

Things that might help in the future:

Things that don't help:



How much animal protein could be produced from pasture only, if no crops were ever fed to animals?

How much CO2 is released for every km^2 of deforestation?
How much CO2 is released for every km^2 of destroyed grasslands?

How much carbon does every km^2 of newly-grown forest sequester per year?
How much carbon does every km^2 of newly-grown grasslands sequester per year?

Bottom line

All 8 billion people could be well-fed & healthy, without destroying the planet, and without anywhere near as much harm to animals. But all of this requires both personal changes and systemic changes.