Electrify everything

From the change wiki

"Electrify everything" is a simple way to describe the phasing-out of fossil fuels. Anything powered by coal/oil/gas would instead be powered by electricity.

How much more electricity would be needed?

  • For transport: See electric_vehicles/energy for a quick estimate.
  • For industrial: The exact numbers will be posted to this page soon.

Can we even generate that much electricity?

Not without major technological breakthroughs in solar & wind (plus energy storage), and/or nuclear power.

Most of the world's electricity is currently generated from fossil fuels (coal & natural gas). If this was the main way to "electrify everything", the environmental impact would be even worse than the status quo, because power plants are not perfectly efficient. It takes more fuel to [generate electricity and use the electricity] than it does to [just burn the fuel].