In the pursuit of green energy, storage is needed for 2 reasons:

  1. To smooth out the intermittency of solar and wind power.
  2. To store energy in electric vehicles without gasoline or diesel.

How much would be needed?


65.2 kWh
Energy capacity of the average electric vehicle battery
Useable battery capacity of full electric vehicles
1.446 billion
Without this, we'd be calculating for just personal vehicles. But we also need to factor in commercial vehicles such as buses and trucks. These vary widely in size, and data is hard to find, so for simplicity sake, we just assume that they'd add up to about the same as personal vehicles - thus doubling total energy storage needed. This assumption is based on the fact that freight trucks are a somewhat smaller share of energy demand than passenger vehicles, but the trucks probably need a longer range. * ev.battery * commercial_factor terajoules vehicle_energy_storage_needed (calculation loading) ^ This could be reduced by walkability and public transit (specifically trains).


3290.73 Mtoe/year
Global energy usage, total final consumption minus transport and industrial
Source: Key World Energy Statistics 2020 (IEA report)
We subtract transport because it was already dealt with above. We subtract industrial because - in principle, most factories/industry could just run during peak sunlight/wind, needing negligable energy storage.
24 hours
How big the "buffer" of energy storage would have to be to be resiliant against weather fluctuations
The exact number could be up for debate. Join the discussion.

other_energy.tfc * timescale terajoules other_energy_storage_needed (calculation loading) ^ This could be reduced by alternative heating/cooling systems for homes/buildings.

There are more options for this type of energy storage, because it's stationary (not moving in a vehicle).

How much storage is this really?

Most people aren't familiar with terajoules. Let's express it instead in terms of "gallons of gasoline equivalent energy" per person.

7.95 billion

(other_energy_storage_needed + vehicle_energy_storage_needed) / world.population gallons gasoline per capita (calculation loading)

This much energy has to be stored in some other way (not gasoline).


Hydrogen gas

Lithium-ion batteries

Iron-redox flow batteries


Compressed air

Gravity blocks