Wiki for a better world:About

This is a place to build consensus on how the world should change, how people can make it happen, and why.

This is a "wiki"-style platform to link together big ideas, small details, and everything in between. Hopefully we can create a clear, coherent, viable picture of the changes that the world needs.

What to expect

Hot takes and nuance

Most other wikis are descriptive. For example Wikipedia describes the world as it is.

This wiki is prescriptive. We boldly state how we think the world should be. Unlike Wikipedia, we embrace opinionated language and original research.

We aren't an encyclopedia, but we do include scientific info insofar as it's relevant to making the world a better place. We don't believe in magic.

Short pages, conclusion first

Information is usually split into small pages (small compared to most other wikis).

It's common for a page to just say the main point and then link to separate pages for the details.

So if you're reading something that feels "oversimplified", "too dumbed down", or "not citing sources", then keep clicking until you reach your level.

Unwritten pages

When links are in red, they link to pages that haven't been written yet.

There are a lot of red links on this wiki, because we want to make room for details to be filled in later.

Editing & contributing

I had to disable editing, due to spammers. So for now, it's just a one-man show. I hope to open it again soon, after I build more of a foundation of content.

Ultimately this will be an open wiki.

For now, if you have something to say, you can still post a comment on any talk page: click the "discussion" tab on any wiki page. You might have to "create" that talk page if there are no discussions yet.

Domain name comes from the word "olam" which just means "world" in hebrew. I tried other domain names but they were too expensive:,, Another good one would have been, but that's taken. Same with

We are not affiliated with any organization/corporation that happens to have "olam" in its name.

See also