Decarbonize energy

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How to produce enough energy (for the world) without burning fossil fuels?

Energy sources


Things that won't work

  • The status quo (mostly gasoline cars and diesel trucks)
  • EVs with lithium-ion batteries (too much cobalt) (...)( This is true even when manufacturers brag about batteries having "only" 3% cobalt. Not low enough: It would have to be less than 1% - otherwise, cobalt scarcity is still the most limiting factor in scaling up EVs. See page on lithium-ion batteries for more details. )
  • Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (too much platinum or palladium) (...)( Note that hydrogen gas production also needs these metals, but the fuel cells would need 7 times more on average )

Things that could somewhat work

  • EVs with LFP batteries (no cobalt, lithium-based; still not as scalable as sodium-ion)


See also